Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lesson 3 & 4

Lesson 3
I can Pray
Scripture: 3 Nephi 18:19
Therefore ye must always pray unto the Father in my name;”
Roll your hands” -reinforcing the action of folding their arms-
Story of Daniel in the lion's den. Use this link to print off pictures OR use electronic device.

Lion Mask
Glue teeth into a lion ½ face mask that is attached to a popsicle stick. KEEP these masks with you to use next week.

Lion's Den Game
Instead of a craft this week, play a game. Give each child their mask they created last week. You are Daniel. They are the lions. When you are walking around the room, they chase you and roar. When you kneel down, everyone says “Shhhhhh” and they lay down on the floor. Have your assistant be the example lion in this group. They will copy her.
**** For a snack today, you could do big pretzels as they look like folding arms.
Lesson 4
Heavenly Father and Jesus love me
Scripture:Isaiah 49:16
"Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands."

I feel my Savior's Love” ---First two lines and last 2 lines only------
Show movie: “My joy is full”. Afterward, hold up a picture of Jesus and Heavenly Father and tell the children that "Heavenly Father & Jesus love____ (say child's name)".
Lips Finger puppets
Using the lip clipart provided, make a small finger puppet by gluing it on a strip of paper (to wrap around their finger. Let the children color their lips red/pink. If you're daring, you can bring crushed pink/red chalk and let the kids dip q-tips into it and put “lipstick” on the lips. Then they can put it on their fingers (after you tape the strip into a small circle (like a ring) and “kiss” people.

(Side view so that you can see how to attach it to the strip of paper to make it look like a ring)


Frosting Heart Cookie
Make heart shaped sugar cookies. Also, pink frosting. Give the children a popsicle stick and a small cup of frosting that they can spread onto their cookie.

Lesson 17-18

Lesson 17
I Will Share
Scripture: 4th Nephi 1:3
"And they had all things common amoung them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift."
Fun to Do
Sit in a circle (around a hoola hoop, feet in the middle) Add in “Sharing with you is fun to do” while you pass around a toy.
Tell the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 using this picture from lds.org.
A painting by James Tissot showing 5,000 people on a hill being fed by Christ’s Apostles from baskets of food.

Goldfish/bread sorting
Sorting goldfish and croutons into 2 columns on a page.

Watercolor included picture.

Lesson 18
I will love others
Scripture:John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”
Jesus said love everyone
Tell the story of the Good Samaritan using clothespins OR sticks. Follow this link:

Teddy Bear Care
Bring q-tips, combs, toothbrushes, tissues, etc to class with a few teddy bears (or any stuffy). Demonstrate to the children how they can take care of their bears.
***Sing "Brushing the teeth is fun to do", re-inforcing your song from the last lesson. ***
Bandaid cotton art

Bring cotton balls & Elmer's glue (small amount in a cup and a q-tip to spread it) and have the children glue the cotton onto the middle of each bandaid.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Lesson 1 & 2

Lesson 1
I am a child of God
Scripture:Psalms 82:6
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”
I am a child of God -first two lines only-
Previous to class, gather pictures of each of the children from their parents. ONE PER CHILD. Before you start the lesson, tape these pictures around the room. When you start, tell the kids that you have a picture of each of them somewhere in the room that they have to find. --You may have to show them how first--- As you find each child, give that child their picture to hold while you sing, “I am a child of God” (that phrase only).
Make crowns for them to wear that say “I am a child of God” on the front. Let them do stickers on it, glitter (if you're daring), color, etc.

Using Popsicle sticks with a star at the top...like a wand. Decorate with water colors on the stick and markers for the star.

Lesson 2
Heavenly Father has a plan for me
Scripture:Abraham 3:25
And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;”
I am a Child of God – rest of song--
Do Craft first this week
Paste pictures or treasures (pictures of Jesus, family, earth, house, etc) around the hallway next to your room. Tell the children to look through their telescopes to see the “treasures”. Take them out for a treasure hunt.
Paper Towel Rod Telescopes
Paper towel rods that they can paste on pieces of cut up tissue paper. USE GLUE STICKS!!! Elmer's is too crazy!

Footprint Mud art
Print out a picture of footprints and let the kids finger paint with brown paint on the feet.