Sunday, December 18, 2016

Lesson 9

Lesson 9
I have a body like Heavenly Father's

Scripture: Genesis 1:27
"God created man in his own image"

Head, shoulders, knees & toes

Print each of the below images on a 8x11 page. Taking turns, have the children match the baby to its parent. 

End by showing them a picture of them. "Is the elephant your Mom? Is the horse your Dad? Why not?"  (We don't look like them)
Show a picture of Heavenly Father.

"How are we the same as Heavenly Father? Do we have ears like him? Lips? Can you find your lips?"

1) "Are you my mother" matching sheet

Print one of each of these pages for each child (at the link below). CUT AHEAD FOR THEM and give one animal out out at a time! 

#2) Mr. Potato Head face cookie decorating
Bake sugar cookies and provide brown frosting to make it look like a potato. Provide chocolate chips/candies for eyes, circus peanuts (sliced in half) for ears, twizzlers for hair, etc. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Lesson 7

Lesson 7
Jesus Christ created the world for me

Scripture: Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heaven and earth." 
"In the beginning" (Row, row, row your boat)
"God created the" (gently down the stream)
"Heaven and Earth" (Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily)
Genesis 1:1 (Life is but a dream)

Song: Heavenly Father loves me (portion only)
"I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world, Heavenly Father created for me"

Bring a basket or envelope for each child. Take them on a walk outside. Show them how to use their hands like binoculars. "What's that?" as you look around at different things outdoors. Take them back inside after a few minutes. Show them the picture on page 34 (of trees & animals). Point out the different things. "Who made all of this?" Show a picture of Jesus. 

Popcorn popping tree
Using the image below, let the children paste popcorn on the tree to make it look like an Apricot Tree. Sing Popcorn Popping during music time. 

Bird texture art
Use image below and purchase a small bag of feathers. Let the children paste these on their picture of the bird after coloring it.