Monday, July 11, 2016

Lessons 25-26

Lesson 25
I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”
Scripture: D & C 115:4
For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.”
Song: “ I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”
that phrase only, singing while marching around the room banging pans, shaking things, etc. OVER AND OVER! Don't stop for 3 minutes straight! This is how they'll learn the song!
Activity: Poster Board Church Giant Puzzle
Draw a picture of a church building on one posterboard. Make it blocky! Simple shapes!
Divide your picture shapes into puzzle pieces (center square, triangle steeple, rectangle sides, etc). Cut them apart. Trace these shapes onto the 2nd poster board in the shape of the FINISHED church buidling. Color and glue a picture of Jesus in the center. Place stick on velcro pieces on the backs of the puzzle pieces for the kids to match.
As you teach, have the puzzle pieces on the floor and the kids try to match the shapes and put it together.

1)Church building snack
Same concept of a gingerbread house. Since they are so young, use simple items. Rolls that they can stick pretzels in for the steeple. Peanut butter can be given (IF NO ALLERGIES) or frosting, anything for dipping.

2) Finger Play
Here is the Church
See the tall, tall steeple
Now open the doors
and see all the people!

(Video coming)

Lesson 26
I will be baptized and be confirmed”
Scripture: Matthew 3:16
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:”
Song: “ Baptism” 1st verse ONLY

Activity: Toy Baptizing
Bring a few action figures/toys that look like people. Show one of the action figures hitting another, biting, taking away his toy, screaming, etc. When this happens, take a dry erase marker and give it a “mark”. After a few times, say “EW! He's so dirty! He needs Jesus to help him be clean! He needs to be baptized!”
Dip him in the water (by immersion...all the way under) to wash him clean. Let each of the children “baptize” their toy.
1)Q-tip painting
Each child gets a q-tip and SMALL Dixie cup with a SMALL amount of blue paint. Let them dab the paint on the water portion of the coloring page. USE OLD T-SHIRTS AS SMOCKS!

Coloring Page

2) CTR Bingo

CTR shield matching game
Print 2 per child. One for the template, the other for cutting out pieces and gluing on template. If you children are not old enough to cut, do it ahead of time and put in little bowls for each child.

Play the song on a CD while they do the craft! This will get it in their heads!

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