Sunday, June 12, 2016

Attention Snack

As I have said in the past posts, these snacks should be SMALL, quick, and just enough to occupy their mouths so they don't scream (hopefully) when their parents leave.

 If you can get them involved with the Attention Getter activity FIRST, do that! This should be your last resort!

Anytime you involve food, it opens the possibility for more complications. Also, remember if you give ONE child a snack, you'll most likely have to give one to all of the other kids too. Only use this option if you're ready to give one to each child.

Make sure every child only gets one/small amount. You may have one child who wants to eat all of them otherwise;)

These should be snacks that they would be okay to stand with. Snacks that will not crumble or get their hands sticky. Also PLEASE make sure that you know about ANY food allergies in your nursery! If someone has a food allergy be EXTRA careful!

I was just in a ward where the Nursery leader wiped each child's hands with a sanitary wipe as they came in the door because on of her nursery children had a peanut allergy. You can never be too careful!

Such snacks could include:

- Cheese cubes (just cheese sticks cut into cubes)
- Carrots
- Fruit snacks (3 per child)
- Marshmallows (Mini's??)
- M & M's (Hey...don't judge! Candy is a wonderful briber for this age!)
- Popcorn
-Cereal pieces (Fruit Loops, Cheerios, etc)

Just use your brain and stay away from crumbly, sticky, hard to clean up snacks. 

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